Active Solution Play
En hel del av den kunskap vi sprider spelas in. Här har vi samlat några guldkorn.
En hel del av den kunskap vi sprider spelas in. Här har vi samlat några guldkorn.
Chris Klug gäster Jetbrains livestream och pratar om Entity Framework.
Från 1 maj 2024 kräver BankID Säker Start för alla användare, påverkande företag och organisationer som använder det för e-tjänster. Elin Fokine från Active Solution leder ett webbinarium om hur man förbereder sig. Det inkluderar introduktion till Active Login, ett projekt för att enkelt integrera BankID på Microsoftplattformar. Viktigt för de inom IT, säkerhet och mjukvaruutveckling som nu eller framöver planerar att använda BankID.
Natural language processing using generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) algorithms is a rapidly evolving field that offers many opportunities and challenges for application developers. But what is a generative pre-trained transformer, and how does it work? How can you leverage the latest advances in GPT algorithms to create engaging and useful applications? Can my business benefit from creating a GPT powered chat bot?
In this episode, we'll dive deep into the essential skill of prompt engineering when working with Azure Open AI Service. You'll learn the art and science of crafting effective prompts to elicit precise and meaningful responses from AI models. We'll explore advanced techniques for optimizing queries, fine-tuning model behavior, and extracting valuable insights. This session is your key to mastering the critical aspect of communication with AI systems.
Azure Open AI Service is a new cloud-based platform that enables developers to create natural language solutions using state-of-the-art models such as GPT-4 and Codex. The Service provides a simple and intuitive interface to access these models, as well as tools to customize, optimize, and monitor their performance. Whether you want to build a chat bot, a code generator, a text summarizer, or any other natural language application, Azure Open AI Service can help you achieve your goals.
In this webcast I’ll show how HTTP triggered Logic Apps can be exposed using Azure API Management. I’ll run through the concepts of using products and subscriptions to provide authentication using API keys, and how policies can be used to modify URLs and implement rate limiting.
In this webcast I’ll be using Logic Apps and Azure Cognitive Services to create an API that can describe an image, identify celebrities and classify the type of car in the image.
Azure Form Recognizer is one of those services that shouldn’t have to exist. In the best of all worlds, all data would be structured, labeled, and machine-readable so that it could be automatically processed and made available for everyone to read and understand.
Microsoft Reactor - 2022-02-22 - Alan Smith, Chris Klug & Peter Örneholm
Originating from Microsoft Research, Azure AutoML helps automating the time consuming and sometimes hard task of choosing features, benchmarking & tweaking different algorithms for your Machine Learning experiments. With both a no-code UI - and a code experience through the Python SDK - AutoML can help you get started quickly as well as customize your classification, regression and forecasting ML-problems.
In this session Robert Folkesson will give an introduction to both the no-code experience and the Python SDK usage, and share experience from a succesful customer project using Auto ML.
In this session we will look at a new option in Azure for running cloud native applications, called Azure Container Apps. This service makes it easy to deploy a multi-service application to the cloud, where each service can be scaled individually, and without worrying about provisioning and managing any infrastructure.
The Azure Custom Vision service enables users to easily train convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for classification and object detection. These trained models can then be leveraged by custom vision applications as could-hosted services. The custom vision service also supports the exporting of trained models, allowing them to be used on-premises and on mobile devices for near-real time vision applications.
In this developer focused session Alan will start with the basics of neural networks and explain how they can be trained to clarify images. He will them move on to more complex convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and explain the details of object detection.
The use of the Azure Custom Vision service to train CNNs will be demonstrated using both classification and object detection examples with tips on techniques for training the networks effectively. The use of these trained networks will be demonstrated by calling the cloud-hosted services, as well as using and exported network model in an on-premises application for real-time object detection using a video stream.
In this session, we will look at containers and Docker. First of all, we will look at how they work and what benefits they provide, as removing some of the hype and “magic” makes it easier to use them. Once we have covered that, we will have a look at how to create container images and start containers. There is a lot to learn about containers, and all of it will definitely not fit into a single session. However, the basics you get from this session should make it a lot easier for you to get started working with containers.
Microsoft uses reinforcement learning in many ways to improve our products and services. AI and machine learning can help accelerate game development by providing more realistic worlds and challenges as well as support automation and live operations.
At Game Stack Live, Microsoft Research announced Project Paidia, a research effort aimed at exploring new opportunities created with AI based reinforcement learning in gaming. During this session, attendees will be able to get started with Reinforcement Learning for gaming with the use of Azure Machine Learning.
In the sixth and final session of this series you will learn about Kubernetes, a powerful platform for running any kind of containerized workload, either on-premises or in the cloud.
We will focus on Azure Kubernetes Service, the managed Kubernetes service in Azure, that makes it easy to manage and scale a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud.
In this session Alan will introduce the concept of serverless architectures and discuss how they can be used to create manageable, cost effective and highly scalable cloud-based applications. He will then cover the core platform as a service (PaaS) services in Microsoft Azure that enable serverless to be created and demonstrate their usage. The hosting costs for applications created with serverless architectures will be covered along with tips and guidelines for developers.
For many developers getting to grips with data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning can seem challenging with quite a steep learning curve. Whilst many of the advanced concepts do require a significant amount of learning, it is possible to make a start on this journey by getting to grips with the basic concepts of machine learning and understanding how algorithms can be trained using a suitable data set. Microsoft Azure provides a range of services and technologies that can be leveraged by people new to machine learning that will increase productivity and help to provide a gentler learning curve.
This session will highlight the platform as a service (PaaS) services in Microsoft Azure that can be leveraged to form the foundations of a cloud-based event driven architecture. We will cover the capabilities of the messaging and eventing technologies in detail and provide guidelines on selecting the appropriate service for a given scenario. We will also demonstrate how these services can be integrated with other Azure services to develop a cloud-native, serverless event driven application.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can feel overwhelming sometimes, the algorithms and mathematical formulas can make the entry level feel challenging.
But wait no more! Azure Cognitive Services are services designed to solve specific use cases using AI and ML, all served to you through simple SDKs ( Software Development Kits), REST APIs or Docker containers.
In this session we will look at how to use Azure Cognitive Services to identify objects in pictures, extract info from receipts and translate audio in real time!
In the first session in this six-episode series, we will introduce the basics of Azure´s Cloud Native Options, and demonstrate what the platform is capable of. This session will focus on looking at the different options available in Azure when wanting to run Cloud Native Applications. Each of the options have pros and cons. So knowing what these pros and cons are for the different options will make it easier to select the right one for your application.
In the first session in this 6 episode series, we will introduce the basics of Azure´s AI & Machine Learning, and demonstrate what the platform is capable of. This session will focus on getting you to know the concepts, terminology and tools to get started with AI & ML on the Azure platform.
Moving to microservices architecture brings with it a lot of complexity. Things like state management, service discovery and resilient service communication becomes very important and needs to be implemented properly when building distributed systems.
Dapr is a new portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for enterprise developers to build resilient microservices applications, by providing best practice implementations as building blocks that you can use in your distributed applications.
Join me in in this session to learn about how Dapr works, which problems it solves and how to get started with it.
There are a lot of “getting started” talks in the ASP.NET Core world, but they won’t take you very far in the real world. What if you already know what the Startup class does, how configuration is handled, and what Kestrel is? Well, that’s where this talk might become interesting.
Instead of covering the basics of how to get up and running, this talk will have a look at some of the more…how to put it…complex areas of ASP.NET Core. Instead of looking at how you build a basic Hello World website, it looks at things like building custom middlewares and model binders, how we can do URL rewriting and run background tasks. And more!
With all the demos to be presented, and the limited amount of time to do it in, there will be no introduction to ASP.NET Core. There will be no “this template includes…”. Instead there will be a quick jump right into the deep end, and a big focus on expanding you knowledge of some of the more advanced abilities built into the framework!
Can Azure Cognitive Search be fooled by Elvis impersonators? Let’s find out…
In this webcast I’ll explore the Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision Service using the C# Client SDK. I will cover the authentication, image description, tags and object detection, and round off with logo and celebrity detection.
In this webcast I’ll explore the Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision Service using the Python SDK.
In this webcast I’ll explore how the Game of Thrones world can be modeled and traversed (queried) using the Graph model in Azure Cosmos DB. I’ll also show how friends recommendations can be made for various Game of Thrones characters.
This session contains a large number of executions, but hopefully no major spoilers.
In this webcast I’ll run through the core functionality of the Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision service.
In the webcast we’ll see if the Azure Cognitive Services Content Moderator service can handle Quentin Tarantino.
In this demo I’ll create a globally available web application hosted in three azure regions using Azure Front Door.
In this webcast I’ll demonstrate how the Cosmos DB autoscale functionality can be utilized to dynamically adjust the provisioned resource capacity to process varying loads from Twitter data streams.
Event-driven architectures is very common in a microservices world, enabling flexible and decoupled designs for the applications that we build.
But eventing is also very useful when it comes to our infrastructure and CI/CD platforms. Being able to chain together containers in simple or complex workflows, triggered by different events coming from inside or outside the cluster, opens up a world of possibilites.
In this session we will look at two event-based platforms for Kubernetes:
* Brigade brings event-based scripting to Kubernetes, making it easy to chain together containers and run them serially or in parallell, triggered by events such as GitHub events, Docker pushes or any other trigger. We'll look at how we can automate deployments to Kubernetes when a Pull Request is created, and removes it once the PR is completed
* KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling) enables autoscaling for event driven Kubernetes workloads. KEDA supports multiple event sources, such as Kafka, RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus, and natively integrates with Azure Function tooling. Scaling out the number of pods based on the number of messages in our message queue is a perfect example of the power that KEDA brings, which will be show during this session
Ok, so you know your Docker. You know how to create images and start containers. That’s cool, but where do we go from here? Well, all the cool kids are talking about Kubernetes and container orchestrators, and how they are like magic pixie dust to your applications. How they allow you to create solutions that are automatically load balanced, self-healing and even provides seamless rolling updates that allow you to release new versions with zero downtime. And knowing you, you probably want some of that too!
Honestly though, it isn’t magic, and It won’t “just work”! It can seem pretty close to magic though, but as long as you understand how it works, you can use it to bring your applications hosting to the next level. With the operative words being “understand it”… Unless you know what you are doing, it can’t really help you…but that’s where this talk comes in!
In this talk, we will start out by looking at how you can set up your local development environment to run Kubernetes based applications. After that, we will look at the architectural building blocks that make up Kubernetes , and then go on to look at some of the great features that Kubernetes give you, and how you can take advantage of them in your projects.
Most Kubernetes talks tend to focus on the DevOps side of things. And even if that’s where Kubernetes has the most impact, there are still quite a few things for us developers to understand before we can build applications that can be allowed in to the Kubernetes world.
There are a lot of “getting started” talks in the ASP.NET Core world, but they won’t take you very far in the real world. What if you already know what the Startup class does, how configuration is handled, and what Kestrel is? Well, that’s where this talk might become interesting.
Instead of covering the basics of how to get up and running, this talk will have a look at some of the more…how to put it…complex areas of ASP.NET Core. Instead of looking at how you build a basic Hello World website, it looks at things like building custom middlewares and model binders, how we can do URL rewriting and run background tasks. And more!
With all the demos to be presented, and the limited amount of time to do it in, there will be no introduction to ASP.NET Core. There will be no “this template includes…”. Instead there will be a quick jump right into the deep end, and a big focus on expanding you knowledge of some of the more advanced abilities built into the framework!
How to prevent attacks like cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery and open redirect on your site? How do you handle cookies in a secure manners? What are the strongest hashing and encryption algorithms available? What more to think about? The questions are many so let’s solve as many as we can in 50 minutes and raise your security knowledge in the .NET space.
Durable Functions, Micro Services, Singletons & Orchestration
With the number of technologies, languages and platforms that is part of most projects today just keeps on increasing, beginning work on a new project can be daunting. We often end up spending a lot of time installing the correct version of SDK's and build tools until we can make the project build and run. And then we have the same requirements for our build environment, and too often we find that build failures are due to differences between the local development machines and the build server environment,
In this session you will learn how to use Docker to define and run your builds both locally and on the build server. By describing your builds in Dockerfile we can make sure that it will build anywhere, without any other dependencies than Docker.
We will also look at how we can run build agents inside a Docker container to make sure that our build infrastructure is immutable and reliable.
The server is sending your users content along with some HTTP Response Headers. Some of those headers is called Security Headers since they strengthen your application security. Only one little problem; you have to add them yourself. Statistics indicates that they are barely used. Let us change that! Learn what headers you can implement and what to consider when doing that as well as how to add them into .NET and .NET Core.
Continuous delivery and DevOps is all about delivering value faster to our end users while keeping the quality at a high level and reducing the downtime to a minimum. Traditional development strategies such as feature and release branching allows us to work and stabilize in isolation, but by doing so we are no longer integrating continuously which in the end will slow us down. So, how can we whip new code as often as possible (even every commit) without breaking stuff in production?
In this session you will learn about techniques such as Feature Flags, A/B testing, Canary releases and Dark Launches and how we can implement this using Azure DevOps, Microsoft Azure and Application Insighs to be able to ship new functionality into production as fast as possible, and learn about how these features are being used so that we can learn and improve along the way.
What basic security should a .net developer do but usually don't do? Join me when we create a checklist for security, find some Tools to use and make you more security aware in your daily coding.
Azure DevOps (previously known as Visual Studio Team Services) is a broad product suite with tools that assists small and large software development teams that want to deliver high quality software at a rapid speed.
In session we will walk through all major features in Azure DevOps, such as Azure Boards, Azure Pipelines and Azure Repos, and look at how we can continuously deliver value to or end users and implement DevOps practices such as Infrastructure as Code and testing in production using Azure.
Continuous delivery is more popular than ever before, with more and more teams doing continuous integration and using cloud platforms for faster delivery. But no matter how good your tooling is, if your architecture doesn't allow you to easily change, build and deploy small parts of your application with zero downtime you won't reap the benefits of continuous delivery.
In this session we will discuss how we can design our architecture to support continuous delivery. We will cover topics such as Micro services, designing for stability with patterns such as Circuit Breaker, and how we can achieve zero downtime deployments for our applications and databases.
Hur kommer starka trender som Big Data, serverlösa tjänster, demokratiseringen av AI och den extremt snabba molnutvecklingen påverka hur vi designar vår arkitektur i framtiden? Vilka är möjligheterna och vilka är utmaningarna och fallgroparna? Välkommen till ett spännande panelsamtal som rör sig i gränslandet mellan vad som är möjligt idag och vad som kommer att bli verklighet inom några år.
Ibland brukar man säga att bygga rätt sak är viktigare än att bygga saken rätt. Robert skulle vilja hävda att Exempelbaserade specifikationer kan hjälpa dig att bygga både rätt sak och saken på rätt sätt, det vill säga testbar, löst kopplad och enklare att refaktorisera. Det kan också hjälpa dig att få en levande dokumentation över systemet som går att verifiera med automatiserade tester, samt ett sätt att diskutera kring krav där utvecklare är mer engagerade från start.
I den här session går Robert igenom vad exempelbaserade specifikationer - eller ”Specification by example” som upphovsmannen Gojko Adzic döpt samlingen av mönster till - är för någonting. Robert utgår från ett nyligen genomfört kundprojekt och visar hur de använde verktyget SpecFlow för att skapa automatiserade tester av ett Web API med exempelbaserade specifikationer.